Lessons from 2023: Sharing Knowledge Through Conferences & Leading a Global Technical Community

Well folks, it’s January of 2024, which means it’s time to finally release my retrospective of 2023!

TL;DR Summary

2023 began with some challenges, but I made the best of opportunities that came my way. I was grateful for the chance to share my iOS knowledge through conferences, and to lead my beloved Women Who Code Mobile community as the ’23-’24 Leadership Fellow. Here’s what I learned from the past year:

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Lessons From 2022: Speaking, Community, and Hope in a Post-COVID World

Well, it’s January of 2023, which means it’s time to finally release my retrospective for 2022.

TL;DR Summary

2022 marks a time of coming out of the 2-year+ COVID pandemic, with mask mandates in many counties in my state of Colorado ending earlier this year.

2022 was a year of highs: connecting with our communities in-person again through speaking at conferences, and some lows: loss of a new job and loss of a beloved family member. But there’s also reason for hope in the new year. So, let’s do it ….. time for me to go over the lessons I’ve learned from 2022: Speaking, Community, and Hope in a Post-COVID World Continue reading

Lessons from 2021: Building the World I Want to Live In Through Mentorship and Allyship

I know, I know. It’s February now, isn’t my end of year blog post a bit late? True, but some important things happened in 2021 that are worth mentioning, so here goes ….

As we’re entering the third year of the global pandemic, a common theme that a lot of folks feel is hopelessness. A lot of things feel out of our control. I too have felt discouraged. But I’ve also been fortunate to not have contracted COVID yet (being vaxxed and boosted might have helped 🙂 ), or lost anyone close to me to COVID. I certainly don’t want to dismiss the trauma that many people have experienced over the past two years. Rather, what I’ve tried to do myself in this time is to focus on changing the things that I can control, instead of focusing on the things I cannot control. Understanding that every person’s situation is different, I encourage you to make a positive change in whatever area of your life you can control. Continue reading

Lessons from 2020: Seizing Opportunities in a Difficult Year

2020 has been a difficult year for many people. So, why would I write an article about seizing opportunities when right now there are fewer of them to go around? And the problem is exacerbated for folks who belong to one or more marginalized groups. Is it wrong to even be talking about this?

Well, that depends. For me, I’m defining opportunities as:
Being able to help / give back to others if you are in a position to do so. And, when life changes on you, adapt to new opportunities as they arise. The following are some lessons to help you take advantage of opportunities in the new year! Continue reading